Module core.utils.command_finder

Utilities for working with user defined commands

[detailed description]

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"""Utilities for working with user defined commands

[detailed description]

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import inspect
import os
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

from core.constructs.commands import BaseCommand, BaseCommandContainer
from core.constructs.output_manager import OutputManager

from core.utils.module_loader import import_module
from core.utils.exceptions import cdev_core_error

##### Exceptions

class CommandFinderError(cdev_core_error):
    help_message: str = ""
    help_resources: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])

class AmbiguousCommandName(CommandFinderError):
    help_message: str = ""
    help_resources: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])

class NoCommandFound(CommandFinderError):
    help_message: str = "   Make sure to check the spelling of the provided command and that the expected search path is being provided."
    help_resources: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])

class TooManyCommandClasses(CommandFinderError):
    help_message: str = "   You should only have one class that derives from BaseCommand in a given file."
    help_resources: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])

##### Api

def find_specified_command(
    command_list: List[str], all_search_locations_list: List[str], output: OutputManager
) -> Tuple[Union[BaseCommand, BaseCommandContainer], str, str, bool]:
    """Search the provided locations for the given command.

        command_list (List[str]): _description_
        all_search_locations_list (List[str]): _description_


        Tuple[Union[BaseCommand, BaseCommandContainer], str, str, bool]: _description_

    command_list_copy = command_list.copy()

    for search_location in all_search_locations_list:
        # Search locations are denoted as python module paths, so convert the module to a path to search from
        mod = import_module(search_location)
        search_location_path = os.path.dirname(mod.__file__)

        did_find, is_command = _recursive_find_specified_command(
            command_list.copy(), search_location_path

        if not did_find:

        full_command_module_name = f"{search_location}.{'.'.join(command_list_copy)}"

        if is_command:
            initialized_object = initialize_command_module(
                full_command_module_name, output

            initialized_object = initialize_command_container_module(
                full_command_module_name, output

        final_path_name = f"{search_location}.{'.'.join(command_list_copy[:-1])}"
        command_name = command_list_copy[-1]
        return initialized_object, final_path_name, command_name, is_command

    raise NoCommandFound(
        error_message=f"No Command or Commands Container found for `{'.'.join(command_list_copy)}` in the given list of search locations ({all_search_locations_list})"

def initialize_command_module(mod_path: str, output: OutputManager) -> BaseCommand:
    """Given a path to a command, initialize the given command.

        mod_path (str): path to the command module

        TooManyCommandClasses: The module contained more than one command
        NoCommandFound: No command was found in the module


    mod = import_module(mod_path)
    # Check for the class that derives from BaseCommand... if there is more then one class then throw error (note this is a current implementation detail)
    # because it is easier if their is only one command per file so that we can use the file name as the command name
    _has_found_a_valid_command = False
    initialized_obj = None
    for item in dir(mod):
        potential_obj = getattr(mod, item)
        if (
            and issubclass(potential_obj, BaseCommand)
            and not (potential_obj == BaseCommand)
            if _has_found_a_valid_command:
                raise TooManyCommandClasses(
                    error_message=f"Too many commands that derive from BaseCommand in the module {mod_path}. There should only be one class that derives from BaseCommand."

            _has_found_a_valid_command = True

            # initialize an instance of the class
            initialized_obj = potential_obj(output=output)

    if not initialized_obj:
        raise NoCommandFound(
            error_message=f"No class that derive from BaseCommand was found in the module {mod_path}. There should be one class that derives from BaseCommand."

    return initialized_obj

def initialize_command_container_module(
    mod_path: str, output: OutputManager
) -> BaseCommandContainer:
    """Given a path to a command, initialize the given command container.

        mod_path (str): path to the command module

        TooManyCommandClasses: The module contained more than one command
        NoCommandFound: No command was found in the module

    mod = import_module(mod_path)

    # Check for the class that derives from BaseCommandContainer... if there is more then one class then throw error (note this is a current implementation detail)
    # because it is easier if their is only one command per file so that we can use the file name as the command name
    _has_found_a_valid_command_container = False
    initialized_obj = None
    for item in dir(mod):
        potential_obj = getattr(mod, item)
        if (
            and issubclass(potential_obj, BaseCommandContainer)
            and not (potential_obj == BaseCommandContainer)
            if _has_found_a_valid_command_container:
                # TODO better exception
                raise TooManyCommandClasses(
                    error_message=f"Found too many Classes that derive from BaseCommandContainer in {mod_path}"

            _has_found_a_valid_command_container = True

            initialized_obj = potential_obj(output=output)

    if not initialized_obj:
        raise NoCommandFound(
            error_message=f"No class that derives from BaseCommandContainer in {mod_path}"

    return initialized_obj

def _recursive_find_specified_command(
    command_list: List[str], search_path: str
) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
    """Return if the given command list results in a potential found command or command container

    Recursively check at each step if the next part in the command list is valid. If at the end of the
    list return that something was found. If at any point there is a missing link then return False.

        command_list (List[str]): List of command parts
        search_path (str): Path the search from

        Tuple[bool, bool]: Found, Is_Command

    if len(command_list) == 1:
        # A location was specified and we are the final part of the command so the command must be a py file in this dir
        # of be a directory that has a command container
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(search_path, command_list[0] + ".py")):
            return True, True

        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(search_path, command_list[0])):
            if os.path.join(os.path.join(search_path, command_list[0], "")):
                return True, False

        return False, False

    next_command_part = command_list.pop(0)

    if not next_command_part in os.listdir(search_path):
        return False, False

    return _recursive_find_specified_command(
        command_list, os.path.join(search_path, next_command_part)


def find_specified_command(command_list: List[str], all_search_locations_list: List[str], output: OutputManager) ‑> Tuple[Union[BaseCommandBaseCommandContainer], str, str, bool]

Search the provided locations for the given command.


command_list : List[str]
all_search_locations_list : List[str]




Tuple[Union[BaseCommand, BaseCommandContainer], str, str, bool]
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def find_specified_command(
    command_list: List[str], all_search_locations_list: List[str], output: OutputManager
) -> Tuple[Union[BaseCommand, BaseCommandContainer], str, str, bool]:
    """Search the provided locations for the given command.

        command_list (List[str]): _description_
        all_search_locations_list (List[str]): _description_


        Tuple[Union[BaseCommand, BaseCommandContainer], str, str, bool]: _description_

    command_list_copy = command_list.copy()

    for search_location in all_search_locations_list:
        # Search locations are denoted as python module paths, so convert the module to a path to search from
        mod = import_module(search_location)
        search_location_path = os.path.dirname(mod.__file__)

        did_find, is_command = _recursive_find_specified_command(
            command_list.copy(), search_location_path

        if not did_find:

        full_command_module_name = f"{search_location}.{'.'.join(command_list_copy)}"

        if is_command:
            initialized_object = initialize_command_module(
                full_command_module_name, output

            initialized_object = initialize_command_container_module(
                full_command_module_name, output

        final_path_name = f"{search_location}.{'.'.join(command_list_copy[:-1])}"
        command_name = command_list_copy[-1]
        return initialized_object, final_path_name, command_name, is_command

    raise NoCommandFound(
        error_message=f"No Command or Commands Container found for `{'.'.join(command_list_copy)}` in the given list of search locations ({all_search_locations_list})"
def initialize_command_container_module(mod_path: str, output: OutputManager) ‑> BaseCommandContainer

Given a path to a command, initialize the given command container.


mod_path : str
path to the command module


The module contained more than one command
No command was found in the module



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def initialize_command_container_module(
    mod_path: str, output: OutputManager
) -> BaseCommandContainer:
    """Given a path to a command, initialize the given command container.

        mod_path (str): path to the command module

        TooManyCommandClasses: The module contained more than one command
        NoCommandFound: No command was found in the module

    mod = import_module(mod_path)

    # Check for the class that derives from BaseCommandContainer... if there is more then one class then throw error (note this is a current implementation detail)
    # because it is easier if their is only one command per file so that we can use the file name as the command name
    _has_found_a_valid_command_container = False
    initialized_obj = None
    for item in dir(mod):
        potential_obj = getattr(mod, item)
        if (
            and issubclass(potential_obj, BaseCommandContainer)
            and not (potential_obj == BaseCommandContainer)
            if _has_found_a_valid_command_container:
                # TODO better exception
                raise TooManyCommandClasses(
                    error_message=f"Found too many Classes that derive from BaseCommandContainer in {mod_path}"

            _has_found_a_valid_command_container = True

            initialized_obj = potential_obj(output=output)

    if not initialized_obj:
        raise NoCommandFound(
            error_message=f"No class that derives from BaseCommandContainer in {mod_path}"

    return initialized_obj
def initialize_command_module(mod_path: str, output: OutputManager) ‑> BaseCommand

Given a path to a command, initialize the given command.


mod_path : str
path to the command module


The module contained more than one command
No command was found in the module



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def initialize_command_module(mod_path: str, output: OutputManager) -> BaseCommand:
    """Given a path to a command, initialize the given command.

        mod_path (str): path to the command module

        TooManyCommandClasses: The module contained more than one command
        NoCommandFound: No command was found in the module


    mod = import_module(mod_path)
    # Check for the class that derives from BaseCommand... if there is more then one class then throw error (note this is a current implementation detail)
    # because it is easier if their is only one command per file so that we can use the file name as the command name
    _has_found_a_valid_command = False
    initialized_obj = None
    for item in dir(mod):
        potential_obj = getattr(mod, item)
        if (
            and issubclass(potential_obj, BaseCommand)
            and not (potential_obj == BaseCommand)
            if _has_found_a_valid_command:
                raise TooManyCommandClasses(
                    error_message=f"Too many commands that derive from BaseCommand in the module {mod_path}. There should only be one class that derives from BaseCommand."

            _has_found_a_valid_command = True

            # initialize an instance of the class
            initialized_obj = potential_obj(output=output)

    if not initialized_obj:
        raise NoCommandFound(
            error_message=f"No class that derive from BaseCommand was found in the module {mod_path}. There should be one class that derives from BaseCommand."

    return initialized_obj


class AmbiguousCommandName (error_message: str, help_message: str = '', help_resources: List[str] = <factory>)

AmbiguousCommandName(error_message: str, help_message: str = '', help_resources: List[str] = )

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class AmbiguousCommandName(CommandFinderError):
    help_message: str = ""
    help_resources: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])


Class variables

var help_message : str
var help_resources : List[str]
class CommandFinderError (error_message: str, help_message: str = '', help_resources: List[str] = <factory>)

CommandFinderError(error_message: str, help_message: str = '', help_resources: List[str] = )

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class CommandFinderError(cdev_core_error):
    help_message: str = ""
    help_resources: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])



Class variables

var help_message : str
var help_resources : List[str]
class NoCommandFound (error_message: str, help_message: str = ' Make sure to check the spelling of the provided command and that the expected search path is being provided.', help_resources: List[str] = <factory>)

NoCommandFound(error_message: str, help_message: str = ' Make sure to check the spelling of the provided command and that the expected search path is being provided.', help_resources: List[str] = )

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class NoCommandFound(CommandFinderError):
    help_message: str = "   Make sure to check the spelling of the provided command and that the expected search path is being provided."
    help_resources: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])


Class variables

var help_message : str
var help_resources : List[str]
class TooManyCommandClasses (error_message: str, help_message: str = ' You should only have one class that derives from BaseCommand in a given file.', help_resources: List[str] = <factory>)

TooManyCommandClasses(error_message: str, help_message: str = ' You should only have one class that derives from BaseCommand in a given file.', help_resources: List[str] = )

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class TooManyCommandClasses(CommandFinderError):
    help_message: str = "   You should only have one class that derives from BaseCommand in a given file."
    help_resources: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])


Class variables

var help_message : str
var help_resources : List[str]