Setting up Python

The Cdev Sdk is a Python Library and CLI that helps developers with Serverless Development, which means that you will need to have Python installed on your computer and access to a CLI environment.

Installing Python

There are many ways of installing Python depending on what Operating System you are using, but the has a comprehensive guide for installing Python.

Native Windows Support
Cdev does not currently support Windows (Powershell or CMD). To use Cdev, Windows users can install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to gain access to a Linux development environment. Cdev will work with any major linux distribution, but we recommend using Ubuntu because it is the default distribution for WSL.

Check Python version

python --version

Your version should be 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, or 3.10.

Check For Pip

Pip is the third party package management tool for Python. It will be how you install the Cdev Sdk and any other external libraries you need. It should come by default when you install Python.

pip -h

Install Python Virtualenv

It is helpful to use virtual environments to keep dependencies for different project isolated. You can install the virtualenv tool from pip to help manage your virtual environments.

pip install virtualenv
Using Virtual Environments

For each Project you will create and activate your virtual environment.

python -m virtualenv .venv

# or 
python3 -m virtualenv .venv
. ./.venv/bin/activate